Together with Prof. Afrooz Barnoush (NTNU), we are preparing a Metals Journal Special issue on localized corrosion. The call for papers is open. Enter to learn more about the scope of the special issue and how to submit your manuscript.
Postdoctoral Position in Corrosion & Materials
The Curtin Corrosion Centre is looking to fill a new Postdoctoral positiong on Corrosion & Materials Science.
Is it a pit or is it a crack?
This article describes current industry practices to catalog features observed after sulfide stress cracking testing. The article also introduces a quantitative criterion to determine the maximum allowable defect size based on fracture mechanics principles.
Effect of nickel on hydrogen permeation in ferritic/pearlitic low alloy steels – Publication.
This is the first of a series of articles on the effect of nickel on the hydrogen embrittlement resistance of low alloy steels. In this paper, we investigated how nickel in solid solution in the ferrite phase affected hydrogen permeation.
MSE 2018 Congress – Call For Abstracts Deadline February 28th
The year 2018 marks the 10th anniversary of the international Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) conference. The MSE2018 congress will be held in Darmstadt, Germany from September 26 to 28 and will cover a broad range of multidisciplinary topics including biomaterials, characterization, functional materials and surfaces, modeling and simulation, processes and synthesis, as well as […]
Submerged arc welding (SAW) – Definition
This post defines submerged arc welding process and includes a very instructive video that explains the process in detail.